On January 12th, 2023 the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council will be hosted a presentation w/ Andy Bluhm, OSU’s Associate Program Director of the Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative, who shared insights into a common tree in the Nehalem Watershed, the red alder. This presentation introduced the characteristics of red alder and summarizes the ecological role that red alder plays in the Oregon Coast Range. We looked at how red alder fits into the big picture of PNW ecosystems then examined the red alder’s effect on diversity, site productivity, community resiliency, and ecosystem function. Specific emphasis was placed on the function red alder has in riparian systems and their influence on riparian communities.In addition to a B.S. in Forestry from the University of Minnesota and an M.S. in Forest Ecology/Silviculture from the University of Georgia, Andy has spent the last 20 years at OSU as the Associate Program Director of the Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative- focusing on the biology and management of red alder. Other research projects at OSU have included directing the red alder management program for the OSU College Forests, managing a long-term study on alternative silvicultural practices, installing and measuring a Swiss Needle Cast research plot network, and coordinating the PNW Permanent Sample Plot network. His main duties include everything from education and outreach, data collection to growth and yield modeling and everything in between. In his free time, he enjoys exploring PNW old-growth forests in pursuit of big trees.Andy is an expert on this foundational tree in our watershed and will have a wealth of information to share with us. Hopefully, everyone will walk away from this talk with a new appreciation for Red Alders and the roles they play in the Nehalem.